When it comes to growing in your walk with Jesus Christ, reading His word is the most crucial step you will take. How can you be in a relationship with Him if you do not take the time to dig deeper into what it means to have that relationship?
Reading the Bible can be challenging, it is complicated and difficult to understand, and that alone is enough to scare us away from even thinking of opening it up. “Where do I even start? How am I supposed to understand this?” Believe me, I know the feeling. But this feeling has to stop. We have to completely erase the fear from our heads.
This generation of Christians is so lost because we aren’t taking the time to read what is the most valuable tool in our faith journey. We often wonder where is God in certain situations or why isn’t He answering me, when really we have all of the answers right in front of us. Within the bible are His words, His answers, His instructions and His promises to us. His words bring us strength and wisdom in times when we feel weak and confused. The bible holds everything we could ever need. But, in order to really take in what we need from the Bible, we have to read it, and by read it I mean focus in on it. Really take the time to read each word, each phrase. Read in a way that allows your mind to be captured. No distractions, no interruptions, just you, your Bible and God.
"Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do." -Joshua 1:8
The Lord says to meditate and obey His book of instruction, and you will succeed in ALL that you do. It all seems so complicated, but it really is all right in front of us. God GAVE us His word, He is handing us success, so why wouldn’t we choose to take it? Don’t you want to succeed for the Lord in our walk of faith? We live in a world that dims the importance of His knowledge, and it is time that we spark a new flame, a new light onto it. We as Christians need to develop a passion for His word. We need to allow our hunger for His knowledge to rub off on those around us. We need to change how this new generation views Christianity. Because, it is more than just religion, it is a fire for the Lord. It is a relationship & a relationship means knowing God and what He is all about, and the only way to do that is to study His word. Study His word in a way that causes you to fall in love with the Lord. Study His word so that you only desire to know more and more. Study His word so that you can share it with others and spark some of that flame into someone else. Be a part of influencing this new generation.
So, going back to what I said about the Bible being challenging, it is, but don’t let that stop you from digging into His word!