8 Reasons to Make Morning Time For Him
It’s what you decide SUNDAY night that you’ll do MONDAY morning. Y’all we have to set ourselves up for success in our faith life. We...
Welcome to my writing space. My place to share how I fill up my lines of life, faithfully! Stop in & stay while.
It’s what you decide SUNDAY night that you’ll do MONDAY morning. Y’all we have to set ourselves up for success in our faith life. We...
What are the desires of your heart? What are your passions and God-sized dreams? What’s that one thing calling you out of your comfort...
It’s a “not if & then, but only a when & then” kind of mindset. Here let me explain. It’s not an if I get something or achieve some...
This morning I read Paul’s prayer for Spiritual Growth found in Ephesians 3 verses 14-19. There, he places an important reminder for us...
“The Lord is my light and my salvation, so why should I be afraid?" Right away this passage hits me. Fear is darkness that overpowers...
Let’s fill up on the words from Psalm 62 today. This Psalm reminds us to place full hope and trust in the Lord! God is in control,...
Romans 12:9 reads: "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good." Let’s focus on: "cling to what is good". Guys, I...
The last few days have been a little crazy. Between working on a few fun projects & packing up our first home, I feel like I haven’t...
“What is wrong with human effort?” This was the question my @bethmoorelpmstudy opened up with today. I processed this. Well, nothing?...
I genuinely find so much joy in His word. Each page is filled with such hope + light, truth + understanding. The words challenge me,...
A piece of me was transformed this morning. This transformation, I might add, began at 4 am so I apologize in advanced for any unnoticed...
Prayer ➡️ an important aspect of spiritual growth & the one I knew my heart needed to pursue more of this year. Prayer has always been...
This morning I dove into Hebrews & read about spiritual growth, or as my Bible worded it - spiritual immaturity. “You have been...
This morning I started a little devotional on my phone called “Where are you, God?” I felt that this was fitting since most of 2018 I...
In 2018, God called me to a period of rest. “Be still & know” were the words He whispered into my heart. Easier said than done, though...
Let’s talk boundaries y’all Something I really struggle with... why? Because I am a huge people pleaser. I hate feeling like I am...
“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the...
I want to focus on Psalm 23 this morning. “The Lord is my shepherd. I have all that I need.” David writes this Psalm from his personal...
Intentional. That was the word He had whispered into my heart earlier last week. Okay Lord...intentional. I began to pray. And pray and...
Lord, Equip me. Equip me for today’s battle. Yesterday was trying. I was completely consumed by doubt & lies. The enemy was near. He...